Chair: Bob Giebelhaus
Secretary/Treasurer: Rob McLaren
Council Members: Joel David, Elisa Frank, Marlin Kary, Rob McLaren, Roxy Meyers, Keith Miller
This Team is on pause until further notice.
Student Ministry Resource Team exists for the purpose of promoting, resourcing and encouraging student ministries in the local churches of the ABA as well as in the association, overall.
Team Members: - Chair, Levi Nigh, Justin Morris, Quinn Pereverseff, Tony Engler, Joel Schnell, Matt Wilks
Global Operations Team exists to assist ABA churches with promoting, developing and resourcing international ministries of the NAB Conference as well as other international ministries of local ABA churches.
Church Planting Team exists for the purpose of assisting local churches in the ministry of disciple-making towards church multiplication.
Team Members: Terry Fossen - Chair, Ken MacDonald, Jeremy Putz, Brad Moffatt
Crisis Prevention and Restoration Team serves to coordinate and facilitate efforts that focus on healthy pastors and healthy churches, giving particular attention to preventing crisis in ABA churches while navigating the processes of restoration and recovery when crisis does occur.
Team Members: Terry Fossen - Chair, Sam Nikkel, David Williams, Ben Trites