Doug Balzer facilitated a dialogue providing some key recommendations about how to establish this area of ministry upon a foundation of Biblical, historical and practical evidence while avoiding the predictable 'ditches'.

Doug (along with his wife, Teri) pastored two churches for 14 years and then served out of the Alliance Western District Office (Calgary) for 15 years. During that time, they worked with dozens of churches and a variety of denominations to catalyze spiritual renewal across Canada and internationally. Doug currently serves dual roles as ‘Director of ReKindle’ as well as ‘Spiritual Renewal Catalyst’.

Doug completed his undergrad at Canadian Bible College, his M.A. in Leadership and Ministry at Ambrose University, and earned his Doctor of Ministry at the Alliance Theological Seminary (New York). He was the founding director of and has published several books. Doug is licensed and ordained with The Alliance Canada.

​Doug & Teri reside in Calgary, and have two grown sons, one daughter-in-law and a very fuzzy Australian Labradoodle, Josie.